Android studio: add jar as library? we don't need to download jar and put it in /libs into this 'your_libs' folder. 3) in android studio,. hello-libs. hello-libs is an android sample that demos 3rd party native lib management with android studio. introduction. this sample uses the new android. Explains how to add library project in android studio. important notes: 1- make sure all build.gradle files have same targetsdk version 2- make sure that.
Articles.: how to do add external library file in android studio
I want to use android studio as opposed to eclipse for this app, but i am having trouble adding the jar file to libs. the error says that the .jar is read-only. i. Using existing libraries. this section discusses the use of existing libraries–both your android developers android studio google play developer. This website no longer provides downloads for android studio. instead get preview builds at or get the stable release at.
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